Struggling to Understand the Bible? Here’s Why That Happens (And How to Break Through)

If you’ve ever cracked open your Bible and found yourself more confused than encouraged, you’re not alone. It’s a common struggle, especially for anyone new to reading Scripture. You read a verse or passage and think, “What in the world is this talking about?” or “Is this supposed to make sense?”

It can feel frustrating. But here’s the thing: understanding the Bible isn’t always easy, and it’s not something that happens overnight.

However, there are practical ways to make sense of it, even when it feels like you’re reading a foreign language. Let’s break down why we often struggle with understanding the Bible and how we can push past that barrier.

Why It’s So Hard to Understand the Bible

It’s an Ancient Text The Bible was written thousands of years ago in a completely different cultural context. It’s not a modern self-help book or a news article. It was written in ancient languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek), with customs, idioms, and historical events that we don’t fully grasp today.

Different Literary Styles The Bible is a collection of different genres: history, law, poetry, wisdom literature, prophecy, parables, letters, and more. Some parts are straightforward (like historical narratives), while others are more metaphorical or symbolic (like the parables of Jesus or the visions in Revelation).

Understanding the style of writing is key to interpreting it correctly. For example, reading Psalms is different from reading Paul’s letters. Not all parts of the Bible are meant to be read literally.

Spiritual Depth The Bible isn’t just a book of facts—it’s a living, breathing word that’s meant to speak to our hearts. It’s full of deep truths and mysteries about God, His kingdom, and His people.

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And while that’s beautiful, it can also be overwhelming. Sometimes, it takes time for God’s Spirit to help us really get what we’re reading. This is why you might read a passage one day and understand it, but read it a few months later and see something completely new.

Lack of Context Context is everything when it comes to understanding Scripture. A single verse can be interpreted in many ways if we don’t know the historical or cultural background, the author’s intent, or what’s happening before or after that verse.

This is why jumping into random verses without understanding the bigger picture can often leave us confused or misinterpreting things.

How to Make Scripture Come to Life

If you’ve been struggling with understanding the Bible, don’t give up! There are some simple, but powerful ways to make Scripture come to life and help you connect the dots.

Pray for Understanding

This might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s essential. The Bible is a spiritual book, and we need God’s help to truly understand it. Before you dive into your reading, take a moment to ask God to open your heart and mind.

The Holy Spirit is a guide who helps us understand what God is saying to us, even in complex or difficult passages. Don’t just read it—invite God into the process.

Prayer to try:
“God, I want to understand Your Word and apply it to my life. Please open my mind and help me see the truth in these verses. Speak to me through Your Spirit. Amen.”

Start with Simpler Books

If you’re just starting out or struggling to grasp the Bible, it can be helpful to begin with books that are easier to understand. Some of the best starting points include:

  • The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) – These tell the story of Jesus’ life and teachings in a relatively straightforward way.
  • Psalms – These are prayers and poems that are easy to relate to, filled with raw emotion and honesty.
  • Proverbs – A collection of wisdom sayings that give practical advice for daily life.
  • Acts – A history of the early church and the spread of Christianity, written in clear narrative form.
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These books focus on narrative or practical wisdom, making them easier to understand for beginners.

Use Bible Study Tools

Bible study tools are a game changer. There’s no need to struggle through confusing passages on your own when there are so many resources available to help you understand. Here are a few tools that can enhance your study:

  • Bible Commentary: Commentaries provide explanations of difficult verses, offering cultural and historical context, and shedding light on the meaning behind tricky passages. The Enduring Word Commentary is one that is free and easily accessible online.
  • Study Bibles: Many study Bibles have notes and explanations at the bottom of the pages that help you understand what’s going on. This Life Application Study Bible is a great resource.
  • Bible Apps (like YouVersion): These apps often have built-in reading plans, devotionals, and resources that guide you through the Bible and offer helpful context and interpretations.
  • Online Resources: Websites like Logos, BibleGateway, BlueLetterBible, and can provide explanations and cross-references that bring more clarity to your reading.

Don’t Skip the Context

Context is king when it comes to understanding Scripture. It’s easy to pick a random verse and try to interpret it out of context, but doing that usually leads to confusion. Instead, try to read a few verses before and after the passage to understand what’s going on. Ask yourself:

  • Who is writing this?
  • Who is it being written to?
  • What was the cultural context?
  • What happens before and after this passage?

The Bible isn’t a collection of disconnected verses—it’s one unified story. Understanding that larger narrative will help you piece things together and gain a deeper understanding.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

If you don’t understand something, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You can ask a trusted pastor, mentor, or friend who knows the Bible well.

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There are also plenty of great books, podcasts, and YouTube channels by solid Christian teachers that break down tough passages and offer insight. Asking questions is a huge part of learning and growing in your faith!

Here are two of my favorite YouTube Bible Study Channels to follow:

While doctrinally I don’t fully agree with all their points, their explanations have helped me tremendously with understanding the passages I am reading.

The Bible Recap

Heart Dive by Kanoe

Give It Time

This is key. Understanding the Bible is not a sprint—it’s a marathon. Sometimes, you won’t understand everything you read right away, and that’s okay. God reveals things to us over time as we grow in our faith.

Keep reading, keep praying, and keep showing up. As you continue to engage with the Word, you’ll start to notice patterns, themes, and insights you didn’t see before. Trust the process.

Focus on Application

If you’re stuck on understanding a particular passage, instead of getting frustrated, try to focus on what you can understand. Ask yourself: What is this teaching me about God? How can I apply this to my life today? 

Even if you don’t fully get every detail, the Bible is still alive and active, and the Holy Spirit will guide you to practical takeaways that you can apply immediately.

Struggling to Understand the Bible

It’s normal to feel like you don’t understand the Bible sometimes—no one has it all figured out. But that’s also the beauty of Scripture: it’s deep, rich, and layered with meaning. The more time you spend with it, the more God will reveal Himself to you through His Word.

So, take a deep breath, keep going, and trust that the Holy Spirit will guide you. Over time, your understanding will grow, and you’ll start seeing God’s truth and wisdom in new and powerful ways. Keep pressing in, and remember—understanding the Bible is a journey, not a destination.

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