Must-Have Tools For Studying The Bible For Deeper Study

bible study tools

We have a tendency to over complicate bible study time. We need pens that don’t bleed, a cute journal, a best selling Bible study and for sure you will have the most eye opening bible study time ever.

Don’t get me wrong these are all great resources but all you really need is an open mind and God’s words. I am not discounting tools for studying the Bible as they can enhance your time in the word by making your time more fruitful and engaging.

As such, in today’s post, we are sharing some of the best bible study tools for studying the Bible in your quiet time. 

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Tools For Studying The Bible

There are tons of tools for studying the Bible for personal Bible study. By no means can I cover them all in this article so instead I am narrowing my focus to Bible study tools I believe you will find most helpful. Having the right Bible study tools have bring much richness and vibrancy to your Bible study time. 

Study Bible

Get yourself a good study Bible, or utilize online study Bibles. You can view  my top study Bible recommendations in this post. Personally I use the CSB She Reads Truth study Bible.

Not only does it include helpful maps but it includes book introductions as well. I adore the book introductions it gives as it provides you with insights into a particular book of the Bible similar to what you would find in this handy book on Amazon that provides an easy to understand background into the 66 books of the Bible.

The She Reads Truth Bible also comes with adequate margin space should you wish to journal your reflections or do a Journaling Bible . I should mention however that the CSB She Reads Truth Bible does not include commentary, It does however have short devotionals which I find very relatable.

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Other notable study Bibles includes:

ESV Study Bible

Quest Study Bible

Another bible you may wish to purchase is an interlinear Bible, this one is on my wish list. Essentially an interlinear bible has both the Hebrew and Greek along with the English translation. I plan on starting to learn Hebrew later this year so this would be a great resource to add to my library.

Bible Study Books / Bible Studies

If you are new to studying the Bible, you will find the book Women of the Word immensely helpful. Jen Wilkin dives into how you can build Bible literacy. She provides practical tools you can use to read a portion of God’s word and attempt interpretation prior to utilizing a commentary.

She even provides Bible study questions you can ask as you read the word of God. You will for sure see why this book comes highly recommended by so many. The questions that she provides as a framework are great for helping you to dive deeper into a passage of scripture.

Bible Study Journals

You will want to keep a bible study journal handy to record your bible study notes and reflections. Once you start diving into different ways of studying the Bible, you will find that a bible Study journal is essential for incorporating bible study methods such as: inductive Bible studyverse mapping or even scripture writing.

With so many bible study journal options on the market such as this write the word journal, you are sure to find one that fits your needs and budgets.

When it comes to Bible study notebooks and journals it all comes down to personal preferences and it’s intended use.

Alternatively you can consider adding one of these Christian journals to your cart on your next shopping trip to Amazon don’t forget to claim your FREE 30 day Prime trial.

Bible Study Online Tools – Bible Software Programs

Some online bible study tools include: Bible Study Apps and Websites. I won’t spend much time going over these bible Study resource as I have already listed a bunch of my favorite bible study apps in this post for easy reference. At a glance some of these online bible study tools include:

RELATED POST:  The Beginners Guide to The Inductive Bible Study Method

Open Bible – Great for searching for topical verses -My personal favorite for listening to the bible on the go.

Bible Gateway – Access bible commentaries and quickly search for verses.

Bible Study Tools – This Bible app is great for topical studies

Bible Hub – Great for looking up cross references

Blue Letter Bible – Has a plethora of study resources, these include access to dictionaries/ encyclopedias, bible introductions, charts, timelines as well as maps.

Logos Bible Software – This is an online tool that aids in understanding of God through study of the Bible utilizing various Bible resources.

Some of these bible study tools offer similar Bible study resources. Review each online bible study tool and stick to the ones you are comfortable using, a bible study resource is only effective if it’s used.

Maps, Charts, Timelines – Best Bible Study Tools

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a Bible atlas can come in pretty handle with pinpointing locations of places referenced in scripture.  This Rose book of maps, charts and timelines provides an excellent representation of biblical content. This is an indispensable tool to help you understand the Bible as you study daily. A a must have for your library!


While you can use a bible study app such as Blue Letter Bible to access a dictionary, if you want a physical copy, you may wish to consider Zondervans Compact Bible dictionaries.

It is a great companion for reading and studying the Bible, plus it’s compactly designed so it’s not too heavy to carry around with you. Zondervans Compact Bible Dictionary is a fact-and-image-filled guide to the arts, cultures, geography, geology, theologies, philosophies, and lifestyles of biblical times.

Another resource is Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary.  This is a great tool for looking up the meaning of biblical words. What’s great about this dictionary is that it also serves as a commentary and concordance, so one less tool you will need to purchase in the long run.


Another tool you will want to consider adding to your library is a Bible concordance. A topical concordance is great for looking up cross references as well as the meaning of original Greek and Hebrew words. Great for studying topics!

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Here is a helpful video on how to use a concordanceStrong’s Exhaustive Concordance is a popular concordance that is loved by many. Alternatively  you can try a free online Bible commentary. I love that Strong’s concordance also includes a topical index on specific topics which is great if you are into topical Bible study.

For the wealth of information that’s included one thing to bare in mind is that this book is very bulky and the print small to read however overall this is a outstanding resource and study tool.

Bible Handbook / Bible Commentary

A Bible handbook is great for providing historical context alongside providing background information. This is my favorite! When it comes to Bible commentaries, you may wish to consult with your pastor for their recommendations or to find one that aligns with your beliefs. Commentaries are great for shedding light on passages that are challenging to understand.

The Matthew Henry Commentary and MacArthur Bible commentary are often recommended. The Tony Evans Bible Commentary is also another popular choice for some!

Tools For Bible Study – Study Aids

Here are some of my favorite places to find study aids and daily Bible reading plans.

Pens and Highlighters

When it comes to writing in your Bible, you will want to look for pens and highlighters that don’t bleed through. The Sakura Micron Pens and Mr Pen No Bleed Gel Highlighters are good options for writing in your Bible.

Tools To Study The Bible

Do you have a favorite bible study tool that you absolutely adore and find helpful in your personal study of the Bible ? Are there any other free Bible study tool that you use? Let me know in the comments below, I would love to check it out. Besides the resources discussed above, you can always seek help from online communities such as The Remnant News and other similar ones online. 

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