The 7 Most Popular Large Print Bibles For The Visually Impaired


Reading the Bible is an important part of many people’s lives, but it can be a difficult thing to do for those who are older or have vision issues. Large-print Bibles make this task much easier and more enjoyable by enlarging the text so that individuals with impaired vision can read without any problems at all. There are a wide selection of popular translations and cover styles available in large print for the visually impaired.


If you have a visual impairment and are looking for large print Bibles or just want an easier read, check out our list of the best large print bibles on Amazon for those who love reading Gods word!


best large print bible


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What is Considered Large Print in Bibles?

For those that might be wondering, a large print Bible generally has a font size of around 10 while a giant print Bible font size is usually around 16 and upwards. If you have a visual impairment, a giant print Bible may be the better option. For individuals that are looking for an easier read, large print Bibles would be a good solution in lieu of regular Bibles with a smaller font size.


Best Large Print Journaling Bible

If you love Bible Journaling and are on the hunt for a large print Journaling Bible, you may wish to consider the Tyndale NLT Study Bible. This large print edition is easy to read and understand.

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The pages are thick enough to color with plenty of space to write notes within the margins. You will like that they didn’t try to include too much on a page. If you aren’t the artistic type no need to worry, this journaling Bible has over 400 scripture illustrations for you to color.  The size of the Bible is around an 8×10 with a font size of 10.8. The Tyndale NLT Inspire Praise Bible in large print is also a comparable option with a font size of 11.


Extra Large Print Study Bible

If you are on the hunt for a study Bible that is gentle on the eyes, you may wish to consider the NIV Super Giant Print Reference Bible. With a font size of 16.5, its not too heavy surprisingly. This large print Bible ticks the box for an easy to read Bible! This NIV Bible also includes several tools for easy reference, including a dictionary and concordance.


Best KJV Large Print Bible

If you are a fan of the King James Version, then this red letter super giant print Bible with a font size of 17 is a winner!

If you not a fan of the dark brown leather color, it also comes in other vibrant colors such as pink and purple. It is a bit on the heavier side though. The Bible comes with a double-column format and footnote cross-reference guide, concordance and thematic Scripture verse finder, the words of Christ are printed in red ink, and there are eight full-color annotated biblical maps. If you would rather an NKJV, this NKJV Super Giant print edition features  an 18-point type, two-column text setting, the words of Christ in red, a topical concordance, eight four-color maps, and more.

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Best ESV Large Print Bible

The ESV Super Giant Print Bible features the full ESV text in very large and easy-to-read type with a font size of 17. While it is a full sized Bible, it isn’t so big that you would have a hard time carrying the Bible around.

It comes with full color maps, a center rule between columns of text to guide the reader’s eye and a black card for use behind each page to improve readability by reducing page show-through.




Best Women’s Study Bible Large Print

This NIV Women’s Study Bible was designed specifically with women in mind. Beautifully designed, it includes biographical portraits of 100 biblical women.

It also includes verse by verse study notes, book introductions and outlines, topical index, concordance and many more cool features. With a font size of 10.5, its better suited for individuals looking for a easy read over regular Bibles and not so much those who might be visually impaired.


Best Large Print Bible

One of the biggest challenges faced by many people is reading a Bible. Whether it’s because they are getting older and their eyesight isn’t as good or simply that they were born with vision issues, trying to read the text on pages can be difficult. The best solution for this problem is often using a large-print Bible. These versions make things much easier when you need to find passages in Scripture quickly, study them more closely, or just enjoy God’s word in an easy-to-read format. Do you have a favorite large print Bible that you love? Let us know in the comments below!

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One Comment

  1. Although many of your Bibles listed are helpful to many people, I cannot seem to find what I need. I am searching for a good Bible Study Bible in extra-large print. Comfort print is not good for me. I don’t want to have to strain my eyes to try and read. Any suggestions?

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