GoodKind Advent Blocks Set Review For Christmas Traditions

If you’re on the lookout for a Christmas or advent tradition that shifts the spotlight from presents to Jesus Christ, I’ve got the perfect thing for you! You know me, I’m all about the Christmas season – the movies, lights, hot chocolate bars – you name it, Christmas is my jam!

But, let’s be real, it’s gotten pretty commercialized, and sometimes it feels like we’re drowning in all things Santa Claus. With motherhood being my ministry, I decided if we were going to dive into the season, we needed to do it differently. Less focus on presents, more on giving, and intentionally shining the spotlight on Jesus Christ.

So, here’s the scoop: Goodkind Advent Blocks became a game-changer for us. It’s like the missing piece in our Christmas puzzle. If you’re up for doing Christmas a bit differently and making it more about the real reason for the season, Advent Blocks might just be your new favorite thing. If you are familiar with the Jesse tree, its a similar concept of an advent calendar.  It is a good thing for the whole family to do together!

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 The Story Behind Advent Blocks

I’ll never forget the day my little one, with those big, curious eyes, put everything into perspective for me. “Mom and Dad, you say that Christmas is all about Jesus. But it feels like Christmas is all about presents,” she said. Those words hit me hard.

They spurred an awakening within me to redefine our family’s Christmas focus. And that’s how Advent Blocks was birthed by Clayton Greene, Chris Pappalardo  and a couple friends. That powerful moment from Clayton’s daughter led to the birth of Advent Blocks, a tradition that’s been spreading joy in homes ever since.

GoodKind’s mission emerged from this innocence—a desire to put Christ back at the center of Christmas celebrations. The company’s heartbeat aligns with my own, and likely yours too: to craft a holiday that embodies giving, sharing, and learning the profound stories that make up our faith.

As parents, we yearn to guide our children through the season not with an emphasis on festive shopping lists, but rather the anticipation of Jesus and the profound message of love and hope he brought into the world.

The story behind Advent Blocks is a reflection of shared experiences at the center of your home during the holiday season. Each turned block, each told Bible story, and each shared moment brings families closer not only to each other but also to the heart of what Christmas truly represents.

Unveiling the Advent Blocks

I’m genuinely thrilled to share with you the Advent Blocks set and its thoughtful design, crafted to enrich our Christmas celebrations with deeper meaning. This set, lovingly created by GoodKind, includes a beautiful wooden box that’s not just perfect for storage but also exudes a timeless charm. Within it, you’ll find a total of 27 wooden blocks, each one carefully cut from beechwood with smooth rounded edges that appeal to all ages.

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Of these blocks, 25 are designed to serve as our tangible countdown to Christmas. On one side, each block displays a number, and on the flip side, a stunning symbol thoughtfully tied to the Bible story of the day.

Additionally, two special blocks capped with motifs of the world and a star guide your journey through the days, with the star block moving each day and the earth block reserved for the 25th, Christmas day. The journey culminates on Christmas Eve when rotating the number block unveils the heart of our celebration: “EMMANUEL, GOD WITH US!” 

The set also includes a companion devotional book, providing stories to be read each day. This book doesn’t just guide us through the setup; it invites us into a daily ritual of reflection and anticipation.

It’s a constant reminder of the season’s core, fostering a focused family gathering and bonding over the stories that paved the way for Jesus’s arrival. With each block’s turn and each day’s reading, we are drawn into the Christmas narrative, sharing and embracing its profound truths and joys together.

How to Set Them Up?

Setting up the Advent Blocks is a breeze, making it accessible for individuals and families of all ages. The blocks come with clear instructions, and each block is labeled with a number corresponding to the days of Advent.

Arrange the blocks in a straight line from left to right with the star going on the Advent Block of the day, and the earth block going on block number 25 and voila! Your Advent Blocks are ready to help your family anticipate the birth of Jesus.

What is the Cost? Investing in meaningful traditions is a valuable way to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, and the Advent Blocks gift box by GoodKind offer just that. GoodKind ensures quality craftsmanship, ensuring that these blocks can become a cherished part of your Christmas celebrations for years to come.

The traditional set is what I have and the price is $59.99. This Traditional Set of Advent Blocks is a great way to keep Christ at the center of your activities for the season and comes with…

  • 27 – 1.5 inch beech blocks with rounded edges (in full color or white and gold)
  • Hardback version of The King Is Coming, our 25-day guide, with a red placekeeping ribbon
  • Natural wood finish, sliding top wood box

If you’re diving into the whole Advent Blocks vibe this year, I’ve got some extra goodies to make it even more special. You know me – always on the lookout for ways to add some extra spice to the holidays.

As you kick off this advent journey with GoodKind Advent Blocks, consider spicing it up with these cool resources:

 First up, for the grown-ups, they have devotional books, there’s this fantastic 25-day devotional called “He Is Here.” It’s like the perfect addition to Advent Blocks, following the same story pattern as “The King Is Coming.” It dives deeper into the story for us grown-ups, and it pairs up amazingly with the family guide for an all-around experience.

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Now, for the little ones, there’s “God is Coming to Earth to Stay!” – an adorable addition to the Advent Blocks collection. It’s like a little storybook tailor-made for the tiniest members of the family, making sure even the littlest ones get in on the Christmas story action.

Just like “The King Is Coming” vibe, it aligns seamlessly with the Advent season or can be a year-round delight. Imagine having this in your arsenal for a harmonious, multi-generational Advent experience!

It’s like each family member gets to dive into the story in a way that clicks with their age and understanding. Trust me, these resources will take your Advent Blocks journey to a whole new level. This is something that that your whole church could totally do for children’s ministry as church leaders, small groups or for other local church program.

Advent Blocks Review

Now back to our review! From the moment I placed the wooden box on the shelf my 2 year old curiosity spiked. Before I could stop her, she pulled the wooden box open from the shelf unveiling what was inside, of course next wanting to know what these beautiful blocks were.

Doing things differently I would have probably placed the box a few days before setup in a place where she could see it but not reach it building anticipation for the journey we were about to undertake. You live and you learn!

GoodKind also recommends in setting up your blocks that you do them in a straight line. Visually though that doesn’t work for me so I tried setting them up in the shape of a Christmas tree. Just like me, you will quickly learn that this doesn’t work well for showing the progression of the star block each day. Another lesson learnt.

Time for execution, so my plan was pretty simple, at least I thought it was. Each night I would allow my daughter to turn the block and move the star then we would cuddle up in bed and read the days story. Simple right? I quickly realized this didn’t work for my 2 year old and its not that the story was boring, its pretty engaging actually. The author who wrote the stories I think did a fabulous job, it just might be better suited for older kids!

I think with younger kids they need to be more hands on and want simple songs, activities that have them doing things and visuals that are visually engaging. So instead, I opted to read the stories from her Bible and this did the trick in holding her attention. If there was a Bible song that corresponded with the story that I knew of, I would sing that as well.

I would then follow-up with a coloring page activity. Which I probably enjoyed more than her but it helped to tie the story to an activity. Just simply using Google, you can find some great kids coloring pages online for free. 

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I hope to try the board book God is coming to Earth, next time around which I think would be a better fit for her. Board Book – God is Coming to Earth -Tailored for even the youngest readers, this book unveils 25 captivating Bible stories, spanning from Adam to Jesus. Made to be a companion to Advent Blocks, following the pattern of The King Is Coming, or for use all year long!

Our nightly Christmas practice routine became turning the Advent Block, chilling in her room for a Bible story, and then hitting up a coloring page. What I love is that it gave us simple spiritual practices for teaching Bible stories in a creative way.

I also liked that Advent Blocks comes in a sturdy wooden box that after Christmas you can store and pack away until next season. Unless you have a toddler like mine who finds the blocks and turns them into her own play toy. But that’s for another time!

Not only did she adore playing with the blocks in her own free time as she tried to count and stack the blocks, she adored flipping through the devotional book pretending to read. While the book is hardcover, I was a little concerned about her potentially tearing the pages which is why I was very excited about the board book they launched. I hope to give that one a try next time around.

This is an activity I look forward to continuing every Advent season thanks to Advent Blocks, of course with a few minor tweaks based on lessons I learnt this time around.

GoodKind’s Advent Blocks transcend mere decoration; they serve as a tangible and meaningful practice aimed at helping both children and parents anticipate the true essence of Christmas—Jesus, not just presents. The beauty of the Advent Blocks lies in their interactive nature.

Each day, as families engage in reading a story and turning the numbered block, a corresponding image is revealed, fostering anticipation and storytelling. This daily ritual of telling stories from either the old or new testament along with turning the blocks encourages personalization as families add their own touch to the experience, turning it into a creative and exciting environment an intimate journey of faith and joy. 

What’s great is that they also have Easter Blocks or a Sabbath box with a similar concept that you can check out as well. 

Advent Blocks – Final Thoughts

As we embark on this Advent season, let us intentionally carve out moments for reflection, joy, and gratitude. GoodKind’s Advent Blocks, provide a holistic and meaningful way to engage with the true spirit of Christmas.

May this season be filled with the anticipation of Christ’s birth, and may these traditions deepen our understanding of the profound love that led to the manger in Bethlehem. Wishing you a blessed and joyous Advent season!

I would love to know in the comments below, what advent traditions do you do with your family and if you use Advent Blocks, what Advent blocks traditions do you typically follow?

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