13 Cute Printable Bible Reading Checklists


Bible reading is a great way to improve your relationship with God and become closer to Him. If you are new at reading the Bible, it can be hard to know where or even how to begin. 


There is no need to feel intimidated by the idea of reading the Bible. You can read through the entire Bible in a year in as little as just 15 minutes a day. Here are several easy-to-use Bible reading checklists that will help you keep track of where you are so that you never get lost along the way!


If you like the idea of no timeline or pressure with keeping up with daily readings I have included several options below for you as well. You can simply print these Bible reading trackers and customize to meet your needs.


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Free Printable Bible Reading Checklist

Before starting anytime in the word, start off with prayer asking God to help you understand what you are about to read.

RELATED POST:  Free Printable Bible Scavenger Hunt Games

To avoid overwhelm, I would encourage you to pick a specific book to read. I would encourage you to start with the gospels such as the book of John. Alternatively you could opt for a short book such as Philippians or a book like Psalms filled with encouraging verses. You will also want to choose a Bible version that is easy for you to read and understand

If you are new to reading the Bible, bookmark this helpful guide on how to study the Bible for beginners for additional tips.


Bible Reading Checklist Printable

Are you looking for a productive way to keep track of your daily bible readings? Check out these completely free printable bible reading checklists! Simply download the Bible reading checklist pdfs and print off your favorites. Refer to this list often, as I will keep adding to the list as I come across additional cute Bible reading checklists.

Printable Bible Reading Checklist

Bible Reading Checklist App

There is a app for pretty much everything. If you have the YouVersion Bible App, you can simply enroll in one of their plans such as The Bible in a Year and be able to keep track and mark off your daily readings if you aren’t the pen and paper type. Alternatively, you can consider Daily Soul Bread which is a simple bible reading checker app, which helps you track your progress as you read through the Bible. The perfect online bible reading checklist!


Chronological Bible Reading Tracker Printable 

If you are looking for a chronological bible reading plan tracker, Teresa at Ladies Drawing Nigh has a lovely printable collection. These 12 monthly Bible Reading Plans will lead you through the Bible in the order that the events happened. Reading this way will help you gain a deeper understanding of the timeline of events covered in scripture. Here is a snapshot of what’s included in this printable pack. 

chronological bible reading plan pdf


Free Bible Reading Checklist

The Bible is a book that everyone should read as it contains the word of God. If you’re looking to dive into reading this timeless book, we hope these Bible reading checklists will help to make your journey less overwhelming!

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