How to Make Beautiful Bible Book Tabs – Free Bible Index Tab Printable Included!


Looking for cute Bible tabs to bookmark the books of your Bible?


Or perhaps you landed on this post because you were curious?


Regardless of the reason, you are in for a treat. For those that might be unaware, a Bible book tab is simply tabs with the books of the Bible printed on them and secured to the edge of your Bible.  This helps one to be able to quickly find various books in the Bible instead of relying on your Bible Index. Plus they look really cute too might I add.


There are various ways to go about adding Bible index tabs to your Bible. You can make your own Bible book tabs if you are the creative type or just simply purchase Bible index tabs from places like Etsy or Amazon. Continue reading for various methods to add Bible book tabs to your favorite Bible.



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Should I Use Bible Tabs?

Bible index tabs are often used by individuals to make it easier to find books of the Bible. While this is convenient, for some people, a heavy reliance on tabs can result in you not actually learning where to find the books of the Bible. While for others, quite the opposite. Not only are tabs attractive but it makes you look forward to spending time in the word.


Bible Tabs Made Easy

If you aren’t the creative type and want to forgo the hassle of creating tabs from scratch, consider purchasing ready made tabs for your Bible or buy a Bible with tabs built-in. Here are some economical bible tab options you can get from Amazon.



Bible Tabs Amazon

Peel and Stick Colorful Floral Bible Tabs

These Bible tabs are absolutely adorable, made with a mix matched floral design. They are also easy to use as you simply peel and stick the Bible tabs to install them on your Bible. You’ll want to be confident in the position you are securing them to though as they are insanely sticky and could rip your Bible page if you aren’t careful. These Bible tabs are sturdy and are superior quality. CHECK PRICING ON AMAZON

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Majestic Bible Tabs

Not only are these majestic bible tabs economical, but they have the names of the Bible printed on both sides. This is convenient as regardless of the direction you flip through your Bible , you can easily identify each book. They are manufactured using a special material that won’t tear your Bible’s delicate pages. Rose, Gold, Lavender and Silver are some of the popular color choices available. They also stock mini Bible tabs perfect for smaller Bibles. CHECK PRICING ON AMAZON

If you are looking for catholic book tabs, these are some classy gold edge catholic book tabs that includes the catholic books as well.




Large Print Bible Tabs

These peel and stick Bible tabs are awesome! The books of the Bible are printed on both sides for easy reference. They come, laminated, pre-cut with self adhesive and pre-scored for easy folding. Did I mention it also comes with a placement guide for easy installation? Plus, should you place it in the wrong spot, you can easily remove it without damaging your Bible page. CHECK PRICING ON AMAZON




Cute Bible Tabs

You can also purchase Bible Tabs on Etsy. Find Wondrous Things  and Farm Girl Journals have some beautiful Bible Tabs. They are on the expensive side but they are really gorgeous. They are sturdy and the material likely able to withstand lots of usage. Farm Girl Journals also includes a guide to make application easy.


If you don’t have a guide, simply eyeball where you would like each tab and mark this off on a blank sheet of paper. You will then use this sheet to aid in the placement of the Bible book tabs (this video might help). Pro Tip: If you are going to invest money in purchasing Bible tabs, for longetivity, aim for tabs that are covered in some type of vinyl material.


Bible Index Tabs

Spend less time searching and more time reading with these card stock Bible tab stickers from DaySpring. These Bible tabs are not only durable but they are also pretty and half the cost of other competing tabs on the market. CHECK PRICING ON DAYSPRING



How Do I Make My Own Bible Tabs?

Now to the fun part! I have listed several Bible tab methods below that you can use to create DIY tabs for your Bible.


Bible Divider Tabs

Bible divider tabs don’t have the name of the books of the bible written on them for reference. The process uses washi tape which visually helps you identify where different books of the Bible begins. You can also use washi tape Bible dividers to help you keep track of the books of the Bible you have read.

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To make Bible divider tabs you will need: your Bible, a variety of washi tapes, wax paper and a pair of scissors.


1. For each book of the Bible, find the page where a new book begins.


2. Next you will want to cut the washi tape off the roll making it slightly longer than the Bible page.


3. Place a sheet of wax paper under the Bible page that you are working on then apply washi tape to the edge of the page.


4. Next you will want to fold the washi tape so it folds over the other side of the paper. The wax paper will prevent the washi tape from sticking to the adjoining page.


5. Once done, use a scissors to trim the edges to match the Bible page or use a corner rounder.


I know this can be hard to wrap your mind around so, for my visual learners, I found this YouTube video tutorial of the process that you might find helpful.



Bible Book Tabs

To make Bible Index tabs, you will need: your Bible, a pair or scissors or tab punch, sticker paper, card stock paper ( if you go this route you will need some form of adhesive to stick the tabs to your bible), Bible tab printable, Bible tab placement guide (use this video to create your own).


1. Print the Bible tab printable on a paper of your choice. I have rounded up some free bible tab printable that you can consider using for this step below.


2. Once printed you will want to use a tab punch to cut out the tabs. While you can use a tab punch, you can get the job completed with a tool you likely already have at home, a scissors. It might be a little more time intensive, but it does get the job done.


3. Fold each tab in half. Insert it into a sticker Machine then peel and add to your Bible. If you don’t have a sticker machine, just use an adhesive to secure the bible tab to your Bible pages.


4. Using your DIY Bible tab placement guide, adhere the tabs to each beginning book of the bible using an adhesive of your choice if you aren’t using sticker paper.

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This video tutorial is a great place to start should you want a visual demonstration.


Sounds complicated? Try one of these simple options to make Bible tabs. Though they may not be as attractive, they still get the job done.


*Use post it notes to write the books of the Bible on. Cut them into small pieces and attach them to your Bible then use sticky tape to secure them and make them waterproof. This video details how to add post it notes Bible tabs.


*Similar to the idea of post it notes, you can purchase this margin tab on which you can write the books of the Bible then attach to your favorite Bible.


*Visit your local Dollarama or craft store and purchase colorful file folders of your choice. Cut in half ( letter size). You will then print the books of the Bible on the sheets and then use the method as outlined above to cut and add them to your Bible. This video outlines the process of creating Bible tabs using supplies you can easily find at the dollar store.


Free Bible Index Tabs

Thankfully there are a number of bloggers that offer free bible index tab printables that you can use to create your own bible book tabs on a budget. Here is a great list to choose from. If you do come across any other free bible tab printables online, drop them in the comments below and I will add them to the list as a resource for others.


Turquoise and gold Bible tabs by Time Warp Wife

Floral Bible Tabs By Journal  Crafts

Colorful Book Tabs by Garments of Splendor


How Do You Remove Tabs From The Bible?

Before adding tabs to your Bible, consider adding Washi tape to your edges. This process for the most part should make for an easier removal of Bible Tabs in the long run should you desire to.Washi Tape is a bit more forgiving than adding the tabs directly to your Bible page.


Bible Book Tabs

What type of Bible tabs are your favorite? Have you come across free Bible tab printables? We would love to hear from you! Drop them in the comments below! Why not get your kids or your women’s group together and have a fun night of crafting creating Bible book tabs?




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