Best Bible Reading Plans On YouVersion For 2023

Looking for the best Bible plans on YouVersion? The struggle is real; or am I the only one who struggles with getting up in the mornings?

One-eyed, you reach for your phone, debating whether to turn to your Bible app or your social media feed. Sadly, your Instagram feed seems way more appealing.

Thanks to social media scrolling you find yourself in a rush with no time for devotions.

Then there are days when life just happens. Ever had one of those? That 5AM appointment with God suddenly turns into a guilty mumbled prayer at the end of the day as you crash into bed exhausted.

But alas, without a plan of action you will likely stay spiritually stagnant.

With the YouVersion Bible App, you are able to intentionally spend time with God at a time that best suits your needs and choose from thousands of YouVersion Bible Plans that aligns with your interest and season of life. It isn’t just for sharing verse images!

So, if you want to get into back into the habit of daily Bible reading this year, here are several highly recommended YouVersion Bible Reading plans to peak your interest. There is even a bonus tip at the very end so keep reading.

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What Is the YouVersion Bible App?

For those that might be unaware, The YouVersion Bible App is a convenient way to engage with the word of God by way of your smartphone, tablet or at With over 400 million downloads, the app challenges people to seek God day by day. Its been amazing to read stories of the impact this app has been having on peoples lives.

Church families growing and connecting together, to just being able to fit Bible study into busy lifestyles. You can select from more than 1,500 Bible versions, use the audio Bible to have it read to you, add your own highlights, bookmarks and notes or dig into one of their many Bible reading plans.

What’s great too is that you can access audio Bibles as well as view different versions right at your fingertips. They also make it super easy to share verses with your network if you are into shareable art.

When reading or listening to a passage and you have thoughts on it, Notes are a great way to journal, connected directly to a specific Bible text. You can keep your thoughts private, with private notes just for your own use (this is the default), or share them so friends can see them. You can do this all with a free YouVersion account.

How Do You Write A Bible Plan On YouVersion

As a writer, YouVersion is a great way to get a sample of your book in front of a new audience. Not only is it great exposure, but if they fall in love with your reading plan, they just might purchase your full book in the process. Looking to get started? Learn what to expect and how to go about submitting a plan on YouVersion here.

YouVersion Bible Plans

There are hundreds of plans available on the YouVersion app. Most have a duration of between 5-14 days. This gives you lots of variety to switch up your devotional if you get bored easily.

One neat feature of the app is that you can set it up where you get notified at a certain time everyday until you complete the plan. A useful tool to help keep you on track.

I know the choices can seem overwhelming especially if you are just getting started, so here are several popular YouVersion Bible Plans from fellow faith bloggers.

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YouVersion Topical Bible Reading Plans

Favorite YouVersion Bible PlanMade To Crave by Lysa Terkheurst

Recommended by: Stacey Mason from The Broken Blessings

I really enjoy this short (21 day) devotion based off Lysa’s book Made to Crave because it helps in the process of overcoming food rules while gaining a better understanding of what healthy looks like according to the word. This devotional offers freedom from the diet culture, body image infatuation, guilt, and shame. Yes, we were made to crave… more of Jesus.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: A Chapter a Day: The Bible in 3 Years

Recommended by: Melody Laney from A Clay Pot

I really enjoy the A Chapter a Day: The Bible in 3 Years. As a busy mom of three little ones, it makes it easy to read through the entire Bible in a set amount of time (as opposed to several chapters a day to get it read in a year). A chapter is also just about what my kids can sit through listening to. I like to read the chapter aloud when we’re all eating breakfast. Even though they might be too little to really understand what’s going on, they are still being exposed to the Word and seeing Mom reading it. This is a great plan!

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan:What made Jesus Mad?

Recommended by: Jessie Synan

What made Jesus Mad? It is an intriguing read about how to have deeply faith-filled lives while making sure traditions are embraced without getting in the way of our relationship with Jesus. I read a lot of verses in a brand new light after this read.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: A Whole Story: A life in God’s Kingdom, Kingdom Come

Recommended by: Mamie Pack

This reading plan is great for the entire family. With videos from The Bible Project, find help for how to read scripture and group discussion/reflection questions. We study together as a family with fellas of different ages and it has been great.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: The One Year Chronological Bible

Recommended by: Luisa Rodriguez from Fruitfully Living

This plan puts a lot of sections of scripture, like the Psalms, into the context of the story. It can really help bring new meaning to some “old” stories. If you start the plan in March, you will reach the Christmas story in time for Christmas.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: Known – A 5 day Devotional by Tauren Wells

Recommended by: Jennifer King from Minding The King

I love that this reading plan takes a fact we already know, that God knows all about us, and takes it to a deeper level of understanding and intimacy with God. This plan is also only 5 days, which is good for people who have a hard time committing to a longer plan.

Favorite YouVersion Bible PlanKnow your Why: Finding and Fulfilling your Calling

Recommended by: Corinne Ennis

A 7 day plan by Ken Costa. Finding my passion and what do I really want is crucial. When Jesus asked the disciples “What do you want? “They had a hard time answering it. They counter acted with another question “Where are you staying? This devotional helps you to take hold of God’s call in your life.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: Finding I Am

Recommended byStarla Hill from Coffee With Starla

A 7 Day Reading Plan by Lysa Terkeurst. We run at a breakneck pace to try and achieve when God simply wants us to slow down enough to receive. We receive everything we need from Him, therefore we must remember to stay connected to Him.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: Called to Create

Recommended by: Katie Jones from Agape Invest

I love finding reading plans that teach about our work being a calling and our mission field. This Bible Reading plan is a condensed version of Jordan Raynor’s book, Called to Create. This plan teaches that our creative and entrepreneurial endeavors can and should be used to glorify God, the one who gifted us with these abilities.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: Next- Steps to fulfilling God’s Plan for your Life

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Recommended by: Carolina Frederick who blogs over at Our Kingdom Culture

God has a purpose for every one of us. This 5-day reading plan will encourage you to fulfill the calling of God in your life. It has great devotionals with actionable tips.

Favorite YouVersion Bible PlanRevelation: The Unveiling of Jesus Christ

Recommended by: Leah Lesesne who blogs over at Shelemah

I love how this translation and reading plan takes Revelation from simply a fearful end times book to a hopeful epiphany of Jesus in his full glory.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: Reigniting The Joy of Motherhood by Lauren Gaines

Recommended by: Alexa Cabrera who blogs over at The Powerful Mama
I love how this plan allows mothers to reflect and be reminded of the blessing that motherhood truly is. It helped me get through a rough time in my motherhood journey. Because of this plan I look at motherhood totally different. 

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: Something Needs To Change by David Platt

Recommended by: Lois McKiernan who blogs over at Where Truth Lives

A refreshingly different kind of Bible study that will lift your eyes off your own circumstances and give practical encouragement and advice to help you serve your brothers and sisters around the world who don’t have the same freedoms and resources that you do. An important reminder for us all.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: Abide

Recommended by: Ava James who blogs over at Inspired by His Words

I have so many favorites. I love the encounter, abide or meditation plans as l can listen to them while l begin the day.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: Fearless

Recommended by: Stacy Zant who blogs over at Radiant Pearl Living

2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that “God has not given us a spirit of fear.” A powerful truth, but not one that is easy to walk in. Sometimes it seems like fear is stalking us, just waiting to take control of our lives. We don’t have to live this way. This week-long devotional from Seacoast Church will encourage you to stand firm in the face of fear. Through God’s power and his promises to us, we can learn what it means to be Fearless.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: Time Management Principles

Recommended by: Nicky Johnson who blogs over at Christian Blogging Academy

I like it because I struggle with time and as we know time is one of those things we will never get back so we must use it wisely. This plan is a great reminder of how precious time is and gives some insights into how to manage time in a way that is glorifying to God.

I’ve done it twice which is unusual for me but the reason why I like it so much is because it gives real-world, practical advice on being a good steward of your time that anyone can apply. Time is the only resource that you can never get back and God tells us how important time is (life is a vapor, redeem the time for the days are evil, etc.). Plus, I am not the best time manager so I love getting wisdom from the Bible in any area especially those that aren’t my strength.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: In Jesus You Are: Understanding Your Identity in Christ

Recommended by: Maria who blogs over at The Bold Business Mom

Do you know your true identity in Christ? If you are like me, sometimes I need reminders of who I am in Christ. Self doubt, fears, or daily worries can prevent me from resting in my identity in Him.

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Thankfully, I’ve found a wonderful Bible study that teaches about biblical identity. It has been so helpful by showing me how to believe at a heart level what God says about who I am. You too can be confident in your identity in Him. Read the 4 week devotional “In Jesus You Are: Understanding Your Identity in Christ.

Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: The Bible Recap

Recommended by:  Lillian who blogs over at Hey Creative Sister

My favourite Youversion plan is the Bible Recap. It’s a chronological order Bible reading plan that has a daily video devotional you can follow on youtube that explains the daily reading that really digs deep as you read the whole Bible. It has an amazing Facebook group and great resources to go with the daily readings as you study God’s word. This is perfect for the new year!

​Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home

Recommended by: Mindy Jones 

I really enjoyed the Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home plan. It’s a 2 week plan that was super encouraging on seeing God’s hand even in the what seems “mundane” moments in keeping your home!


Favorite YouVersion Bible Plan: The Simple Proverbs Plan

Recommended by: The Flourishing Mama

My favorite YouVersion plan is the simple Proverbs plan. I read it every month—one chapter each day. It’s a perfect plan for busy women who want to squeeze some time with God into each day. And Proverbs is packed with so much biblical wisdom, I learn something new every month! This is a great reading plan!

​Popular YouVersion Bible Plans

The One Year Bible

Bible In 90 Days


First Steps Reading Plan

Bible Reading Plan Bonus Tip: YouVersion Bible on Google Assistant

Ok, so if you got a Google Home or Alexa for christmas you will want to pay attention to this next bit.

You can now just say, Ok Google ask You Version to read my Bible plan. How cool is that? This makes it really convenient to start making Bible reading a habit.

I haven’t tried this yet, which may have a lot to do with not owning a Google Home or Alexa. If you do own these devices however, give it a whirl and let me know what you think.

Helpful YouVersion Resources Available

The YouVersion Kids Bible on Amazon Alexa, lets you listen to 40 Bible stories all completely free. This is perfect for bed time stories for kids. If you are into block scheduling, this is a perfect activity to provide educational activities for your kids paired with an activity like coloring pages so you can knock out your to do list. The regular Bible app allows you to listen to any book, chapter or verse as well as your daily Bible reading plan. Both of these features are also accessible through Google Assistant.

YouVersion Bible Challenge

Want to test your Bible knowledge? Try the You Version Bible Challenge with Amazon Alexa. It reads you a verse and you try to determine where its found. You can have multiple players or play by your self. A fun family bonding activity to do with friends or family after church service. You can learn more about it here.

YouVersion Rest

Another cool feature of YouVersion is YouVersion Rest. Listen to Psalms with soothing relaxing music being played in the background. Perfect if you struggle with sleep or looking for meditative music. You can view the full playlist of YouVersion Rest on Youtube.

This totally makes me want to get Alexa or Google Home!

Want to take your faith to the next level this year?  Let YouVersion Bible Plans help you build a healthy habit of spending time with God this year.


Studying The Bible For Yourself | A Beginners Guide To Bible Study

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One Comment

  1. Super helpful. The search functionality on their plans is mediocre and so created lists like this one really help find plans that are worthwhile.

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